Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hit the spot!!

something you've never known...

Do you know Obama loves chinese cakes?

Do you know Stanford has new students-sealions this year?

ha~~I must be crazy...


  1. hahaha!
    Yes, you are so crazy....

    It's really fun to see this picture.
    I love this! And nothing can be compared with this picture except Stacey's calendar!

  2. It's a crazy picture.
    I don't know how to say.
    It surpise me a lot.
    You are a creative girl.

  3. The American president is very kind.
    He always smile to everyone.

  4. If Obama see the picture, he may laugh loudly.
    Your picture are so creative.
    I love it.
    Maybe Obama is too.

  5. This photo is funny. I'm afraid Obama and Standford might sue you! HAHAHAH...Just kidding. Very creative!

  6. Ha ha ha
    I think that this is funny, but I also think Apollo mentioned something important -- if you were to publish or use this picture you have to be careful of copyright, ownership, and the intent of your message.
    Great job!
